Central Library, Museum and Documentation Center- History
History of Central Library, Museum and Documentation Center

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2024/01/23 | 
خلاصه‌ای از تاریخچه دانشگاه خوارزمی

Establishment of Darul-Muaemmin Central
Changing the name to Darul-Mualemmin Aali
Changing the name to the university and linking with the University of Tehran
Separation of the university from Tehran University
Tarbiat Moalem University
 kharazmi University​​​​​​

A brief history of the Central Library, Museum and Documentation Center

Opening of the central library with 3,000 volumes of books sent from the library of Tehran University's Faculty of Literature under the name of High School  
Moving the library to the current location of the university

Tehran Central Library and satellite libraries had more than 80,000 volumes of books in the repository, and about 70,000 volumes had book IDs. The available books were in six categories: books that were transferred from the library of Pars High School, books of the High School of Sports, books of the physical education library, books of the Revolutionary Sepahian Library, books sent from the Tehran Central Library to Hesarek and vice versa, books sent to the Tehran Central Library And the fence was purchased. These six categories of books were registered and cataloged in different ways and were not standard. Many of the books did not have cards in the bookcase and the book depository was actually a book depository, that is why the proposal to change the library system from Dewey to L.C. And with the cost estimate from the library, it was presented to the Research Vice-Chancellor, which was approved with the support of the respected managers and officials of the university.
Starting the plan to change the Karaj Central Library system from Dewey to L.C
Starting the plan to change the system of Tehran's central library and satellite libraries from Dewey to L.C 
Merging the University of Economic Sciences in Khwarazmi University and adding three libraries of the Faculties of Financial Sciences, Economics and Management to the total number of Khwarazmi University libraries

Aggregation of faculty libraries (Karaj) in the central library
Inauguration of the document center in the central library and the document center of Fardis Tehran​​​​​​​
Integration of the museum into the central library (central library, museum and document center)​​​​​​​

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